Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 70.54.005 - Transfer of duties to the department of health
- Section 70.54.010 - Polluting water supply-Penalty
- Section 70.54.020 - Furnishing impure water-Penalty
- Section 70.54.030 - Pollution of watershed of city in adjoining state-Penalty
- Section 70.54.040 - Secretary to advise local authorities on sanitation
- Section 70.54.050 - Exposing contagious disease-Penalty
- Section 70.54.060 - Ambulances and drivers
- Section 70.54.065 - Ambulances and drivers-Penalty
- Section 70.54.070 - Door of public buildings to swing outward-Penalty
- Section 70.54.080 - Liability of person handling steamboat or steam boiler
- Section 70.54.090 - Attachment of objects to utility poles-Penalty
- Section 70.54.120 - Immunity from implied warranties and civil liability relating to blood, blood products, tissues, organs, or bones-Scope-Effective date
- Section 70.54.130 - Laetrile-Legislative declaration
- Section 70.54.140 - Laetrile-Interference with physician/patient relationship by health facility-Pharmacy quality assurance commission, duties
- Section 70.54.150 - Physicians not subject to disciplinary action for prescribing or administering laetrile-Conditions
- Section 70.54.160 - Public restrooms-Pay facilities-Penalty
- Section 70.54.180 - Deaf persons access to emergency services-Telecommunication devices
- Section 70.54.190 - DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)-Use-Liability
- Section 70.54.200 - Fees for repository of vaccines, biologics
- Section 70.54.220 - Practitioners to provide information on prenatal testing and cord blood banking
- Section 70.54.222 - Cord blood banks-Regulation-Application of consumer protection act-Definitions
- Section 70.54.230 - Cancer registry program
- Section 70.54.240 - Cancer registry program-Reporting requirements
- Section 70.54.250 - Cancer registry program-Confidentiality
- Section 70.54.260 - Liability
- Section 70.54.270 - Rule making
- Section 70.54.280 - Bone marrow donor recruitment and education program-Generally-Target minority populations-Report
- Section 70.54.290 - Bone marrow donor recruitment and education program-State employees to be recruited
- Section 70.54.300 - Bone marrow donor recruitment and education program-Private sector and community involvement
- Section 70.54.305 - Bone marrow donation-Status as minor not a disqualifying factor
- Section 70.54.310 - Semiautomatic external defibrillator-Duty of acquirer-Immunity from civil liability
- Section 70.54.315 - Semiautomatic external defibrillators-Fitness centers
- Section 70.54.320 - Electrology and tattooing-Findings
- Section 70.54.330 - Electrology and tattooing-Definitions
- Section 70.54.340 - Electrology, body art, body piercing, and tattooing-Rules, sterilization requirements
- Section 70.54.350 - Electrology and tattooing-Practitioners to comply with rules-Penalty
- Section 70.54.355 - Scleral tattooing prohibited-Penalties-Enforcement
- Section 70.54.370 - Meningococcal disease-Students to receive informational materials
- Section 70.54.400 - Retail restroom access-Customers with medical conditions-Penalty
- Section 70.54.410 - Unintended pregnancies-Sexual health education funding
- Section 70.54.420 - Accountable care organization pilot projects-Report to the legislature
- Section 70.54.430 - First responders-Emergency response service-Contact information
- Section 70.54.440 - Epinephrine autoinjectors-Prescribing to certain entities-Training-Liability-Incident reporting
- Section 70.54.450 - Maternal mortality review panel-Duties-Confidentiality, testimonial privilege, and liability-Identification of maternal deaths-Reports-Data-sharing agreements
- Section 70.54.460 - Breast health information-Mammography report-Notice
- Section 70.54.470 - Medical debt-Limits on sale or assignment
- Section 70.54.480 - Drayage truck operators-Access to restroom facilities
- Section 70.54.490 - Posting of health and safety information-Format and accessibility
- Section 70.54.500 - Motor carriers-Access to restroom facilities