Wash. Rev. Code § 70.37.100
The authority may make contracts, employ or engage engineers, architects, attorneys, an executive director, and other technical or professional assistants, and such other personnel as are necessary. It may delegate to the executive director or other appropriate persons the power to execute legal instruments on its behalf. It may enter into contracts with the United States, accept gifts for its purposes, and exercise any other power reasonably required to implement the principal powers granted in this chapter. No provision of this chapter shall be construed so as to limit the power of the authority to provide bond financing to more than one participant and/or project by means of a single issue of revenue bonds utilizing a single bond fund and/or a single special fund into which proceeds of such bonds are deposited. The authority shall have no power to levy any taxes of any kind or nature and no power to incur obligations on behalf of the state of Washington.
RCW 70.37.100
Severability-1982 c 10: See note following RCW 6.13.080.