Section 70.265.070 - Financing-Bonds authorized(1) A public hospital capital facility area may contract indebtedness or borrow money to finance public hospital capital facilities and other capital health care facilities and may issue general obligation bonds for such purpose not exceeding an amount, together with any existing indebtedness of the public hospital capital facility area, equal to one and one-quarter percent of the value of the taxable property in the public hospital capital facility area and impose excess property tax levies to retire the general indebtedness as provided in RCW 39.36.050 if a ballot proposition authorizing both the indebtedness and excess levies is approved by at least three-fifths of the voters of the public hospital capital facility area voting on the proposition, and the total number of voters voting on the proposition constitutes not less than forty percent of the total number of voters in the public hospital capital facility area voting at the last preceding general election. The term "value of the taxable property" has the meaning set forth in RCW 39.36.015. The proposition must be submitted to voters at a general or special election and may be submitted to voters at the same election as the election when the ballot proposition authorizing the establishing of the public hospital capital facility area is submitted. If the proposed election date is not a general election, the county legislative authority is encouraged to request an election when another unit of local government with territory located in the proposed public hospital capital facility area is already holding a special election under RCW 29A.04.330.(2) A public hospital capital facility area may accept gifts or grants of money or property of any kind for the same purposes for which it is authorized to borrow money in subsection (1) of this section.