Section 48.125.020 - Certificate of authority required(1) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, a person may not establish, operate, provide benefits, or maintain a self-funded multiple employer welfare arrangement in this state unless the arrangement first obtains a certificate of authority from the commissioner.(2) An arrangement is considered to be established, operated, providing benefits, or maintained in this state if (a) one or more of the employer members participating in the arrangement is either domiciled in or maintains a place of business in this state, or (b) the activities of the arrangement or employer members fall under the scope of RCW 48.01.020.(3) An arrangement established, operated, providing benefits, or maintained in this state prior to December 31, 2003, has until April 1, 2005, to file a substantially complete application for a certificate of authority. An arrangement that files a substantially complete application for a certificate of authority by that date is allowed to continue to operate without a certificate of authority until the commissioner approves or denies the arrangement's application for a certificate of authority.