RCW 28B.77.220
Effective date- 2012 c 229 s s 101, 117, 401, 402, 501 through 594, 601 through 609, 701 through 708, 801 through 821, 902, and 904: See note following RCW 28B.77.005.
Findings-Intent-2004 c 55: "(1) The legislature finds that community and technical colleges play a vital role for students obtaining baccalaureate degrees. In 2002, more than forty percent of students graduating with a baccalaureate degree had transferred from a community or technical college.
(2) The legislature also finds that demand continues to grow for baccalaureate degrees. Increased demand comes from larger numbers of students seeking access to higher education and greater expectations from employers for the knowledge and skills needed to expand the state's economy. Community and technical colleges are an essential partner in meeting this demand.
(3) However, the legislature also finds that current policies and procedures do not provide for efficient transfer of courses, credits, or prerequisites for academic majors. Furthermore, the state's public higher education system must expand its capacity to enroll transfer students in baccalaureate education. The *higher education coordinating board must take a leadership role in working with the community and technical colleges and four-year institutions to ensure efficient and seamless transfer across the state.
(4) Therefore, it is the legislature's intent to build clearer pathways to baccalaureate degrees, improve statewide coordination of transfer and articulation, and ensure long-term capacity in the state's higher education system for transfer students." [ 2004 c 55 s 1.]
*Reviser's note: The higher education coordinating board was abolished by 2011 1st sp.s. c 11 s 301, effective July 1, 2012.