Wash. Rev. Code § 28B.40.206
In addition to all other powers and duties given to them by law, the board of trustees of The Evergreen State College is hereby authorized to grant any degree through the master's degree to any student who has completed a program of study and/or research in those areas which are determined by the faculty and board of trustees of the college to be appropriate for the granting of such degree.
The board of trustees, upon recommendation of the faculty, may also confer honorary bachelor's or master's degrees upon persons other than graduates of the institution, in recognition of their learning or devotion to education, literature, art, or science. No degree may be conferred in consideration of the payment of money or the donation of any kind of property.
RCW 28B.40.206
Effective date- 2012 c 229 s s 101, 117, 401, 402, 501 through 594, 601 through 609, 701 through 708, 801 through 821, 902, and 904: See note following RCW 28B.77.005.
Severability-1979 ex.s. c 78: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1979 ex.s. c 78 s 4.]