RCW 28A.345.130
Intent- 2024 c 157 : "(1) The legislature recognizes that Washington state law prohibits discrimination in public schools for certain protected classes. The legislature also acknowledges that school districts are required to adopt a policy related to the selection or removal of instructional materials. Under state rule, the instructional materials policy of each school district must establish and use appropriate screening criteria to identify and eliminate bias pertaining to protected classes.
(2) The legislature intends to expand these requirements by requiring school districts to adopt policies and procedures that incorporate adopting inclusive curricula and selecting inclusive instructional materials that include the histories, contributions, and perspectives of historically marginalized and underrepresented groups. The legislature recognizes that inclusive curricula have been shown to often improve the mental health, academic performance, attendance rates, and graduation rates of historically marginalized and underrepresented communities. Research on students' sense of belonging and community in the school setting confirms that inclusive curricula and learning environments contribute to increased school motivation, participation, and achievement.
(3) The legislature intends to promote culturally and experientially representative learning opportunities for all students by directing the office of the superintendent of public instruction, when revising or developing state learning standards, to screen for inappropriate bias in the proposed state learning standards and to ensure that the histories, contributions, and perspectives of historically marginalized and underrepresented peoples and communities are included in the standards.
(4) The legislature believes that promoting inclusive learning standards, curricula, and instructional materials will improve student achievement, attendance, parent and family engagement, and other dimensions that contribute to student success." [ 2024 c 157 s 1.]