Wash. Rev. Code § 13.40.165
At the time of the disposition, the court may set treatment review hearings as the court considers appropriate.
If the offender violates any condition of the disposition or the court finds that the respondent is failing to make satisfactory progress in treatment, the court may impose sanctions pursuant to RCW 13.40.200 or revoke the suspension and order execution of the disposition. The court shall give credit for any confinement time previously served if that confinement was for the offense for which the suspension is being revoked.
RCW 13.40.165
*Reviser's note: Chapter 70.96A RCW was repealed and/or recodified in its entirety pursuant to 2016 sp.s. c 29 ss 301, 601, and 701.
Effective date- 2023 c 449 : See note following RCW 13.40.058.
Effective date- 2019 c 325 : See note following RCW 71.24.011.
Effective date-2004 c 120: See note following RCW 13.40.010.
Effective date-2002 c 175: See note following RCW 7.80.130.
Effectiveness standards-1997 c 338 s 26: "The University of Washington shall develop standards for measuring effectiveness of treatment programs established under section 26 of this act. The standards shall be developed and presented to the governor and legislature not later than January 1, 1998. The standards shall include methods for measuring success factors following treatment. Success factors shall include, but need not be limited to, continued use of alcohol or controlled substances, arrests, violations of terms of community supervision, and convictions for subsequent offenses." [ 1997 c 338 s 27.]
Finding-Evaluation-Report-1997 c 338: See note following RCW 13.40.0357.
Severability-Effective dates-1997 c 338: See notes following RCW 5.60.060.