74 Pa. Stat. § 61

Current through Pa Acts 2024-52, 2024-56
Section 61 - Consent to purchase

The consent of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is hereby granted to the purchase by the Government of the United States of a tract of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon situate, lying and being on the Island of Tinicum, in the township of Tinicum, in the county of Delaware, in the said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the river Delaware at low-water mark, and from thence, extending along the middle of the road or lane between this land and land of John Taylor, north, five degrees east, fifty-five perches and five-tenths of a perch, to a post, for a corner; thence, by the other land of the said Thomas Smith, south, eighty-five degrees east, twenty-eight perches and seven-tenths of a perch, to another post for a corner; thence, by other land of the said Thomas Smith, south, five degrees west, fifty-six perches, to low-water mark of the river Delaware; and from thence, down the said river, along the several courses and meanders thereof at low-water mark, to the place of beginning; said premises being known as the Lazaretto.

74 P.S. § 61

1917, July 20, P.L. 1136, § 1.