72 Pa. Stat. § 3191
In lieu of the fees now receivable by the secretary of the commonwealth, for the use of the commonwealth, there shall be demanded by and paid to the recorder of deeds within the city of Philadelphia and of the respective counties, upon the several commissions hereafter named, at or before the delivery thereof, to the several officers commissioned, viz.: on the commission of inspector of salt provisions, health officers, lazaretto physician and port physician, measurers of corn and salt, superintendent of the powder magazine, regulator of weights and measures, the inspector of flour, inspector of ground black oak bark, butter and lard, gaugers of domestic distilled spirits, the sum of ten dollars; on the commission of a prothonotary, a clerk of oyer and terminer, of quarter sessions, of orphans' court, mayor's courts, register of wills, recorder of deeds, notary public, interpreter of foreign languages, sheriff of a county, each ten dollars.
72 P.S. § 3191