71 Pa. Stat. § 1190.28a

Current through Pa Acts 2024-52, 2024-56
Section 1190.28a - Justice reinvestment grants
(a) Justice Reinvestment Fund.--The Justice Reinvestment Fund is established within the State Treasury to support programs and activities to improve the delivery of criminal justice services within this Commonwealth.
(b) Savings assessment.--For fiscal years 2013-2014 through 2017-2018, the Office of the Budget shall develop a formula to calculate the amount of savings to the Department of Corrections in the prior fiscal year. The calculation may include all of the following:
(1) The reduction in prison population because of the diversion to counties of mid-minimum and short-minimum offenders.
(2) The elimination of prerelease programs and the improved efficiencies in the parole system, directly resulting from the act of July 5, 2012 (P.L.1050, No.122), entitled "An act a mending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in burglary and other criminal intrusion, further providing for the offense of burglary; in other offenses, further providing for drug trafficking sentencing and penalties; in Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing, further providing for powers and duties and for publication of guidelines; in sentencing, further providing for sentences for second and subsequent offenses; in sentencing, providing for sentencing for certain paroled offenders; in sentencing, further providing for sentencing generally, for disposition under guilty but mentally ill, for partial confinement, for total confinement and for proceedings and location; in sentencing, providing for court-imposed sanctions for offenders violating probation; in county intermediate punishment, further providing for definitions and for programs; in correctional institutions administration, further providing for drug distribution definitions; in inmate confinement visitation, further providing for Gubernatorial visitors, for official visitors and for rights of official visitors; in inmate confinement prerelease plans, further providing for establishment of prerelease centers, for prerelease plan for inmates, for regulations and for compensation of inmates; in inmate confinement motivational boot camps, further providing for definitions and for selection of inmate participants; in inmate confinement State intermediate punishment, further providing for definitions and for referral to State intermediate punishment program; in inmate confinement recidivism risk reduction incentive, further providing for definitions; in inmate confinement community corrections facilities, further providing for definitions; in inmate confinement, providing for safe community reentry and for community corrections centers and community corrections facilities; in probation and parole administration, further providing for certain offenders residing in group-based homes, for administrative powers over parolees, for general court criteria for parole, for parole power, for parole violation and for parole procedure; in probation and parole administration, providing for early parole subject to Federal order; making a related repeal; and abrogating regulations."
(c) Deposit.--
(1) In fiscal year 2013-2014, 75% of the amounts determined to be savings under subsection (b) are hereby appropriated to the fund.
(2) In fiscal year 2014-2015, the amounts determined to be savings under subsection (b) are hereby appropriated to the fund in an amount not to exceed $21,000,000.
(d)Distributions.--For fiscal years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, the money in the fund shall be transferred as follows:
(1) The sum of $1,000,000 shall be distributed to the commission. At least 25% of the money under this paragraph shall be used for a Statewide automated victim information and notification system, 25% shall be used for victim service automated data collection and reporting projects and the balance of the money under this paragraph shall be used for programs for victims of juvenile offenders.
(2) The sum of $400,000 shall be distributed to the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing to establish models for risk assessment under 42 Pa.C.S. § 2154.7 (relating to adoption of risk assessment instrument).
(3) Following distribution under paragraphs (1) and (2), the remaining money in the fund shall be distributed as follows:
(i) Forty-three percent to the commission to provide grants for innovative policing.
(ii)Twenty-one percent to the department to implement contracts with counties for offender diversion for mid-minimum offenders and short-minimum offenders.
(iii) Twenty-six percent to the commission for grants, in consultation with the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, for county probation improvement, to include the reduction of offenders on probation who violate the terms of their supervision.
(iv) Six percent to the board for costs related to streamlining the State parole process.
(v)Four percent to the department to support the coordinated implementation by the board and the department of the program under 61 Pa.C.S. Ch. 49 (relating to safe community reentry), including the outreach to and use of community organizations and other nonprofit and for-profit entities.
(e)Appropriation.--Beginning in fiscal year 2013-2014, if county participation in the program under subsection (d)(3)(ii) exceeds the amount authorized, the General Assembly may appropriate additional money to the fund for offender diversion for mid-minimum offenders and short-minimum offenders.
(f) Additional distributions.--For fiscal years 2015-2016 through 2017-2018, 25% of the amount determined to be savings under subsection (b) shall be deposited in the fund and appropriated by the General Assembly for activities related to sentencing, victim services, contracts for offender diversion, innovative policing, community reentry programs or probation and county parole improvement.
(g)Restriction.--Grants awarded under this section shall be annual grants and shall be used to supplement and not supplant existing funding, including funding provided by county governments and grant-in-aid under 61 Pa.C.S. § 6133(c)(relating to probation services).
(h) Criteria.--The commission, in consultation with the board, shall adopt criteria for the award of grants by the commission under this subsection.
(i) Expiration.--This section shall expire July 15, 2018.

71 P.S. § 1190.28a

Added by P.L. 1607 2012 No. 196, § 7, eff. 12/24/2012.