64 Pa. Stat. § 100
If any person, having right to any warrant for the surveying of lands, within the said late purchase, shall fix upon, and shall desire that his warrant be located to a particular place or piece of vacant land, the deputy surveyor of the district, in whose hands the warrant shall be, shall accordingly make an entry thereof in his aforesaid book, and shall afterwards proceed to survey the same upon such warrant, unless some person claiming under a warrant entitled to priority by the aforesaid lottery, shall insist upon having his survey made at the same place, in which case, the warrant which had been so located and superseded, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a second location as before, liable to a claim, under another prior warrant, as before, and so toties quoties, till the same shall be undisputed: Provided nevertheless, that the person claiming to have land surveyed to him, under any warrant for land in the said late purchase, may, at any time before actual survey be made, renounce such location, and withdraw his or her warrant, and deliver the same warrant to the deputy surveyor of any other district within the said late purchase, in the manner hereinbefore provided and declared; and may afterwards again, in like manner, withdraw the same, and deliver it to the deputy surveyor of another district, and so on, till the quantity of land therein mentioned by surveyed, and the same established in the order and manner aforesaid.
64 P.S. § 100