62 Pa. Stat. § 1431-D

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-127
Section 1431-D - Data collection and retention.
(a)Authority.--The authority may collect and analyze data from participating payers, rural hospitals, participant rural hospitals and the department necessary to carry out the authority's responsibilities under this article. Data collected by the authority shall only be used for administering the global budget model. The authority shall obtain the written approval of a participating payer, rural hospital, participant rural hospital or the department before the authority can use the entity's data for any other purpose. The authority shall retain the data for no more than seven years.
(b)Participant rural hospital.--A participant rural hospital may authorize its insurer or administrator to provide data to the authority regarding payments for eligible hospital services provided under the hospital's employee health plan.
(c) Release of data.--Unless specifically provided for in this article, the authority may not release and no data source, person, member of the public or other user of any data of the authority may gain access to:
(1) Raw data which could reasonably be expected to reveal the identity of an individual patient.
(2) Raw data disclosing discounts or allowances between participating payers and participant rural hospitals which is prejudicial to an individual participating payer or participant rural hospital.
(3) Data which the department provides to the authority, unless the secretary or the designee of the secretary specifically authorizes the release or access.
(4) Any data where a conflict of interest occurs.

62 P.S. § 1431-D

Added by P.L. TBD 2023 No. 15, § 8, eff. 10/23/2023.