35 Pa. Stat. § 10228.2

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 10228.2 - Definitions

The following words and phrases when used in this act shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Assisted living residence." As defined in section 1001 of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L. 31, No. 21), known as the Public Welfare Code.

"Benevolent gesture." Any action, conduct, statement or gesture that conveys a sense of apology, condolence, explanation, compassion or commiseration emanating from humane impulses.

"Health care provider." A primary health care center; a personal care home licensed by the Department of Public Welfare under the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L. 31, No. 21), known as the Public Welfare Code; a person, including a corporation, university or other educational institution licensed or approved by the Commonwealth to provide health care or professional medical services as a physician, certified nurse midwife, podiatrist, hospital, nursing home or birth center; or an officer, employee or agent of any of them acting in the course and scope of employment.

"Relative." A patient's spouse, parent, stepparent, grandparent, child, stepchild, grandchild, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister or spouse's parent or any person who has a family-type relationship with a patient.

"Representative." Any legal guardian, attorney, agent designated to make medical decisions under a power of attorney over health care matters, health care representative who is authorized to make health care decisions for a principal under applicable law, surrogate designated in an advance directive for health care or person recognized in law or custom as a patient's agent.

35 P.S. § 10228.2

Added by P.L. 665 2013 No. 79, § 2, eff. 12/24/2013.