35 Pa. Stat. § 5701.704

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 5701.704 - Powers and duties of department

The department has the following powers and duties:

(1) To administer the program in a manner which provides Statewide and local services to Commonwealth residents.
(2) To annually establish program priorities for the Commonwealth .
(3) On a Statewide basis, to award grants and enter into contracts to implement the priorities established under paragraph (2). The department shall set specific goals with measurable objectives to monitor the reduction of tobacco consumption under related programs developed by Statewide grant recipients.
(4) To divide this Commonwealth into no more than 67 service areas in order to provide for the effective and geographically dispersed delivery of the program. The department shall foster collaboration among geographic regions of this Commonwealth.
(5) To enter into contracts under section 708 with at least one and no more than two primary contractors in each service area.
(6) To approve plans submitted by primary contractors, which shall include specific goals with measurable objectives to be met by the primary contractors for each service area.
(7) To coordinate, monitor and evaluate the program funded under this chapter to ensure compliance with priorities and goals and to ensure delivery of program services in all geographic areas of this Commonwealth. The program shall be coordinated with other efforts to prevent and reduce exposure to and consumption of tobacco.
(8) To determine the level of tobacco use in this Commonwealth and each of the service areas and monitor changes in the level of tobacco use in this Commonwealth and each of the service areas based on available information.
(9) To pursue grants for tobacco use prevention and cessation as provided in section VI(g) of the Master Settlement Agreement. All money awarded to the department under this paragraph shall be listed in the report under paragraph (10).
(10) To prepare and submit a report no later than November 30, 2002, and annually thereafter to the chair and minority chair of the Public Health and Welfare Committee of the Senate and the chair and minority chair of the Health and Human Services Committee of the House of Representatives. The annual report shall be made available for public inspection and posted on the department's publicly accessible World Wide Web site. The report shall include the activities of the department in implementing this chapter, including:
(i) Identification of Statewide grant recipients and the grant amount awarded to each recipient.
(ii) Identification of the primary contractor and all service providers in each service area and the grant amounts awarded to each contractor and each provider.
(iii) Identification of program priorities under paragraph (2).
(iv) The goals of each primary contractor and whether its goals have been met.
(v) The information and methodology derived from the implementation of paragraph (8), along with any recommendations for further reductions in the level of tobacco use.
(vi) Applications made and grants received under paragraph (9).

35 P.S. § 5701.704

Amended by P.L. TBD 2019 No. 92, § 2, eff. 1/26/2020.
2001, June 26, P.L. 755, No. 77, § 704, effective 7/1/2001.