25 Pa. Stat. § 2704
The county board of elections may also petition the court for the division or redivision of any township, borough, ward or election district into two or more election districts, or for the alteration of the bounds of any election district, or for the formation of one or more election districts out of two or more existing election districts, or parts thereof, or for the consolidation of adjoining election districts, accompanying its petition with a map and a verbal description of the boundaries of the proposed new election districts which must have clearly visible physical features conforming with census block lines from the most recently completed Federal decennial census. The petition must also include a certification of the number of electors registered in each of the resulting election districts for the immediately preceding general or municipal election. Upon the presentation of any such petition by the county board, or upon the filing by the board of its report and recommendations as to any petition presented by qualified electors under the provisions of section 503 of this act, the court may make such order for the division, redivision, alteration, formation or consolidation of election districts, as will, in its opinion, promote the convenience of electors and the public interests: Provided, however, That the court shall not make any final order for the division, redivision, alteration, formation or consolidation of election districts until at least ten days after notice shall have been posted in at least five public and conspicuous places in the district or districts to be affected thereby, one of which notices shall be posted on or in the immediate vicinity of the polling place in each such district. Such notice shall state in brief form the division, redivision, alteration, formation or consolidation of election districts recommended by the county board, the number of electors registered in each district at the immediately preceding general or municipal election, and the date upon which the same will be considered by the court, and shall contain a warning that any person objecting thereto must file his objections with the clerk of the court prior to such date. Upon the making of any such final order by the court, a copy thereof shall be certified by the clerk to the county board of elections.
25 P.S. § 2704