25 Pa. Stat. § 2702
Subject to the provisions of section 501 of this act, the court of common pleas of the county in which the same are located, may form or create new election districts by dividing or redividing any borough, township, ward or election district into two or more election districts of compact and contiguous territory, having boundaries with clearly visible physical features conforming with census block lines from the most recently completed Federal decennial census and wholly contained within any larger district from which any Federal, State, county, municipal or school district officers are elected, or alter the bounds of any election district, or form an election district out of two or more adjacent districts or parts of districts, or consolidate adjoining election districts or form an election district out of two or more adjacent wards, so as to suit the convenience of the electors and to promote the public interests. Except for good cause shown, election districts so formed shall not contain more than one thousand two hundred (1,200) registered electors. No election district shall be formed that shall contain less than one hundred (100) registered electors. When a school district crosses county lines, the regions of the school district shall be composed of contiguous election districts.
25 P.S. § 2702