24 Pa. Stat. § 791.16
Whenever any public school building or addition to any public school building is to be erected or constructed on a site on, over or adjacent to any land which has or may have been or is being mined for coal or any other mineral, the Authority may request the Department of Mines and Mineral Industries to examine such site and to advise the Authority whether there may be safely erected or constructed on such site a public school building or an addition to a public school building and, if so, under what conditions, if any, such erection or construction may safely be made. In order to reimburse the General Fund appropriation to the Department of Mines and Mineral Industries for costs incurred by the Department of Mines and Mineral Industries in making such examination or examinations and in making reports thereon, the Authority shall be billed by the Department of Mines and Mineral Industries, from time to time as such examination or examinations and reports are made, upon a cost basis at such amounts as the Department of Mines and Mineral Industries, with approval of the Executive Board, shall determine, and such amounts shall be paid by the Authority to the Department of Mines and Mineral Industries and shall be paid by it into the General Fund of the State Treasury and credited to the General Fund appropriation to the Department of Mines and Mineral Industries.
24 P.S. § 791.16