The Secretary of Education shall ascertain and determine the amount of funds required to meet each payment to school districts and intermediate units which become due and payable within each fiscal year, on the data and material contained in the certificates which school districts and intermediate units are required to file with the Secretary of Education at such time as the secretary shall determine. The Secretary of Education shall apportion and allot the same to and among the respective districts and intermediate units. The amount paid to any district or intermediate unit within any fiscal year shall be computed on the data and information contained in the certificates required to be filed each year, as herein provided. Each district's valuation to be used for purposes of computing its standard reimbursement fraction for the school year 1949-1950 and thereafter or for purposes of computing the aid ratio for the school year 1966-1967, and thereafter, shall be the valuation placed upon its taxable real property by the State Tax Equalization Board.
24 P.S. § 25-2515