24 Pa. Stat. § 20-2002-D

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 20-2002-D - Reporting guidelines

In any year a State-related institution receives a nonpreferred appropriation, a report shall be submitted in electronic format to the department and the Joint State Government Commission and shall include data for all programs. The report, to be submitted prior to September 1, shall cover the 12-month period beginning with the summer term of the preceding year and shall include:

(1) The following counts and distributions for each term during the period:
(i) The definitions and numbers of faculty members employed full time, of faculty members employed part time, of full-time students enrolled in graduate courses, of full-time students enrolled in undergraduate courses, of part-time students enrolled in graduate courses and of part-time students enrolled in undergraduate courses.
(ii) The total numbers of undergraduate student credit hours, divided into lower division and upper division course levels, and of graduate student credit hours, divided into three course levels: master's, first professional and doctoral.
(iii) The number of different courses scheduled by level of instruction and the number of sections of individual instruction scheduled by level of instruction, each further subdivided by two-digit Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) categories of instructional programs of higher education as defined by the National Center for Education Statistics, United States Department of Education.
(iv) The number of terms scheduled and the dates thereof.
(2) For the summer term and the following academic year in total and for each two-digit CIP program category, a classification of faculty members or other professional employees by title, including: professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, lecturer, research associate, librarian and academic administrator; faculty members or other professional employees under each title to be subdivided by type of assignment: teaching and nonteaching; and each such set of faculty members or other professional employees to be further subdivided by type of employment: full-time or part-time; and the following aggregates for each such subdivided classification:
(i) The number of faculty and other professional employees and their full-time equivalence in instructional and noninstructional functions.
(ii) The sum of credits assigned to undergraduate classroom courses and the sum of credits assigned to graduate classroom courses taught, divided into lower division, upper division, master's, first professional and doctoral course levels.
(iii) The sum of credits assigned to undergraduate individual instruction courses and the sum of credits assigned to graduate individual instruction courses taught, divided into lower division, upper division, master's, first professional and doctoral course levels.
(iv) The sum of undergraduate classroom student credit hours and the sum of graduate classroom student credit hours generated, divided into lower division, upper division, master's, first professional and doctoral course levels.
(v) The sum of undergraduate individual instruction student credit hours and the sum of graduate individual instruction student credit hours generated, divided into lower division, upper division, master's, first professional and doctoral course levels.
(vi) The total salary paid for instructional functions and for noninstructional functions and the amount of this salary paid for each of these functions from university funds, Federal funds and other funds.
(3) For each term of the period covered for each faculty member employed full time identified by two-digit CIP program category and title, the report shall contain an analysis of the average hours per week spent in university-related activities, stating specifically hours spent in undergraduate classroom contact and graduate classroom contact, hours spent in preparation, hours spent in research and hours spent in public service.

24 P.S. § 20-2002-D

1949, March 10, P.L. 30, No. 14, art. XX-D, § 2002-D, added 2008, July 9, P.L. 846, No. 61, § 25, retroactive effective 7/1/2008.