(1) To collect, develop and disseminate information, policies, strategies and other information to assist in the development of programs that support students, reduce unnecessary student disciplinary actions and promote an environment of greater productivity, safety and learning, including, but not limited to:
(i) School-wide positive behavior support that includes primary or universal, secondary and tertiary supports and interventions in school entities.(ii) School-based diversion programs.(iii) Classroom management.(v) Student codes of conduct.(vi) Training to assess risk factors that increase the likelihood of problem behaviors among students.(vii) Conflict resolution and dispute management.(viii) Staff training programs in the use of positive behavior supports, de-escalation techniques, appropriate responses to student behavior that may require immediate intervention and trauma-informed treatment for mental health providers in schools.(ix) Research-based violence prevention programs that address risk factors to reduce incidents of problem behaviors among students, including, but not limited to, mental health early intervention, self-care, bullying and suicide awareness and prevention.(x) Risk assessment, safety-related, violence prevention curricula, including dating violence curricula, restorative justice strategies, mental health early intervention, self-care and suicide awareness and prevention curricula.(xi) Evidence-based screenings for adverse childhood experiences that are proven to be determinants of physical, social and behavioral health and provide trauma-informed counseling services as necessary to students based upon the screening results.(xii) Trauma-informed approaches that increase student and school employee access to quality trauma support services and behavioral health care.