Class A. Teachers holding a standard certificate valid for the subject or grades in which the teacher is giving instruction.
Class B. Teachers holding a college certificate valid for the subjects or grades in which the teacher is giving instruction.
Class C. Teachers of classes approved by the Department of Education for exceptional children holding a standard certificate valid for the subjects or grades in which the teacher is giving instruction.
Class D. Teachers of classes approved by the Department of Education for exceptional children holding a college certificate valid for the subjects or grades in which the teacher is giving instruction.
Class E. Supervisors, directors and coordinators of career and technical education, who devote one-half or more of their time to supervision of instruction, and psychologists, holding a standard or college certificate.
Class F. Principals, who devote one-half or more of their time to supervision and administration and having less than twenty (20) teachers under their supervision, who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.
Class G. Such principals, having twenty (20) or more teachers under their supervision, but less than forty (40), and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.
Class H. Such principals, having forty (40) or more teachers under their supervision, but less than sixty (60), and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.
Class I. Such principals, having sixty (60) or more but less than eighty (80) teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.
Class J. Such principals, having eighty (80) or more teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate. Master's Degree.
Class K. Supervising principals, having less than forty (40) teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.
Class L. Supervising principals, having forty (40) or more teachers under their supervision, but less than sixty (60), who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.
Class M. Supervising principals, having sixty (60) or more but less than eighty (80) teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.
Class N. Supervising principals, having eighty (80) or more but less than one hundred (100) teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate or college certificate.
Class O. Supervising principals, having one hundred (100) or more teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate or college certificate.
Class P. Career and technical teachers, holding a standard or college certificate valid for the subjects or grades in which the teacher is giving instruction, and who is employed for the entire calendar year because of seasonal activities.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
10 | 8100 | 8300 | ||||||
9 | 7800 | 7800 | 8000 | 8000 | 9050 | |||
8 | 7500 | 7500 | 7700 | 7700 | 8750 | 9450 | 9950 | 10450 |
7 | 7200 | 7200 | 7400 | 7400 | 8450 | 9150 | 9650 | 10150 |
6 | 6900 | 6900 | 7100 | 7100 | 8150 | 8850 | 9350 | 9850 |
5 | 6600 | 6600 | 6800 | 6800 | 7850 | 8550 | 9050 | 9550 |
4 | 6300 | 6300 | 6500 | 6500 | 7550 | 8150 | 8650 | 9150 |
3 | 6000 | 6000 | 6200 | 6200 | 7250 | 7750 | 8250 | 8750 |
2 | 5700 | 5700 | 5900 | 5900 | 6950 | 7350 | 7850 | 8350 |
1 | 5400 | 5400 | 5600 | 5600 | 6650 | 6950 | 7450 | 7950 |
I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P |
10 | 9350 | |||||||
9 | 9050 | |||||||
8 | 10950 | 11450 | 11650 | 12150 | 12650 | 13150 | 13650 | 8750 |
7 | 10650 | 11150 | 11350 | 11850 | 12350 | 12850 | 13350 | 8450 |
6 | 10350 | 10850 | 11050 | 11550 | 12050 | 12550 | 13050 | 8150 |
5 | 10050 | 10550 | 10750 | 11250 | 11750 | 12250 | 12750 | 7850 |
4 | 9650 | 10150 | 10250 | 10750 | 11250 | 11750 | 12250 | 7550 |
3 | 9250 | 9750 | 9750 | 10250 | 10750 | 11250 | 11750 | 7250 |
2 | 8850 | 9350 | 9250 | 9750 | 10250 | 10750 | 11250 | 6950 |
1 | 8450 | 8950 | 8750 | 9250 | 9750 | 10250 | 10750 | 6650 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
13 | 9600 | 9800 | ||||||
12 | 9300 | 9300 | 9500 | 9500 | 10550 | |||
11 | 9000 | 9000 | 9200 | 9200 | 10250 | 11550 | 12050 | 12550 |
10 | 8700 | 8700 | 8900 | 8900 | 9950 | 11250 | 11750 | 12250 |
9 | 8400 | 8400 | 8600 | 8600 | 9650 | 10950 | 11450 | 11950 |
8 | 8100 | 8100 | 8300 | 8300 | 9350 | 10550 | 11050 | 11550 |
7 | 7800 | 7800 | 8000 | 8000 | 9050 | 10150 | 10650 | 11150 |
6 | 7500 | 7500 | 7700 | 7700 | 8750 | 9750 | 10250 | 10750 |
5 | 7200 | 7200 | 7400 | 7400 | 8450 | 9350 | 9850 | 10350 |
4 | 6900 | 6900 | 7100 | 7100 | 8150 | 8950 | 9450 | 9950 |
3 | 6600 | 6600 | 6800 | 6800 | 7850 | 8550 | 9050 | 9550 |
2 | 6300 | 6300 | 6500 | 6500 | 7550 | 8150 | 8650 | 9150 |
1 | 6000 | 6000 | 6200 | 6200 | 7250 | 7750 | 8250 | 8750 |
I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P |
13 | 10850 | |||||||
12 | 10550 | |||||||
11 | 13050 | 13550 | 14350 | 14850 | 15350 | 15850 | 16350 | 10250 |
10 | 12750 | 13250 | 14050 | 14550 | 15050 | 15550 | 16050 | 9950 |
9 | 12450 | 12950 | 13750 | 14250 | 14750 | 15250 | 15750 | 9650 |
8 | 12050 | 12550 | 13250 | 13750 | 14250 | 14750 | 15250 | 9350 |
7 | 11650 | 12150 | 12750 | 13250 | 13750 | 14250 | 14750 | 9050 |
6 | 11250 | 11750 | 12250 | 12750 | 13250 | 13750 | 14250 | 8750 |
5 | 10850 | 11350 | 11750 | 12250 | 12750 | 13250 | 13750 | 8450 |
4 | 10450 | 10950 | 11250 | 11750 | 12250 | 12750 | 13250 | 8150 |
3 | 10050 | 10550 | 10750 | 11250 | 11750 | 12250 | 12750 | 7850 |
2 | 9650 | 10150 | 10250 | 10750 | 11250 | 11750 | 12250 | 7550 |
1 | 9250 | 9750 | 9750 | 10250 | 10750 | 11250 | 11750 | 7250 |
24 P.S. § 11-1142