(k) Definitions.--The following words and phrases when used in this section shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: "Sex trade." An act, which if proven beyond a reasonable doubt, could support a conviction for violation or attempted violation of chapter 59 (relating to public indecency) or section 6312 (relating to sexual abuse of children).
"Victim of the sex trade." An individual who has:
(1) been the object of a solicitation for prostitution;(2) been the object of a transaction in a sex act;(3) been intended or compelled to engage in an act of prostitution;(4) been intended or compelled to engage in a sex act;(5) been described or depicted in material that advertises an intent or compulsion to engage in sex acts; or(6) In the case of obscenity or child sexual abuse material, appeared in or been described or depicted in the offending conduct or material.