Current through 2024 Regular Session legislation effective June 6, 2024
Section 676.560 - Purpose of Health Licensing Office(1) To provide for the more effective coordination of administrative and regulatory functions of certain health boards, councils and programs involved in protecting the public through the licensing and regulation of health-related professions and occupations practiced in this state under a uniform mission and uniform goals, the Health Licensing Office is created within the Oregon Health Authority.(2) The mission of the office is to serve the public by providing a uniform structure and accountability for the boards, councils and programs under its administration to protect the public from harm. The office's focus is to: (a) Promote effective health policy that protects the public from incompetent or unauthorized individuals and allows consumers to select a provider from a range of safe options.(b) Provide outreach and training to stakeholders to improve compliance with public health and safety standards, and to involve stakeholders in the regulation of the various disciplines and fields of practice.(c) Form partnerships and work in collaboration with each constituency, local and state governmental agencies, educators, organizations and other affected entities to encourage diverse opinions and perspectives.(d) Provide the boards, councils and programs with a standardized administrative forum and procedures for operation, fiscal services, licensing, enforcement and complaint resolution.(e) Resolve disputes between regulatory entities regarding the scope of practice of persons with authorization by those entities in the professions and occupations overseen by those boards, councils and programs.