Current through 2024 Regular Session legislation effective June 6, 2024
Section 431A.095 - [Operative Until 1/1/2027] Reporting of certain patients; reimbursement for certain services(1) Designated trauma centers and providers, physical rehabilitation centers, alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers and ambulances shall develop a monthly log of all unsponsored, inadequately insured trauma system patients determined by the hospital to have an injury severity score greater than or equal to 13, and submit monthly to the Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Program the true costs and unpaid balance for the care of these patients.(2) No reimbursement for these patients shall occur until: (a) All information required by the Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Program rules is submitted to the Oregon Trauma Registry; and(b) The Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Program confirms that the injury severity score, as defined by the Oregon Health Authority by rule, is greater than or equal to 13.(3) The Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Program shall cause providers to be reimbursed in the following decreasing order of priority: (a) Designated trauma centers and providers;(b) Physical rehabilitation centers;(c) Alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers; and(4) Subject to the availability of funds, the Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Program shall cause the designated trauma centers and providers to be paid first in full. Subsequent providers shall be paid from the balance remaining according to priority.(5) Any matching funds, available pursuant to the Trauma Care Systems Planning and Development Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-590), that are available for purposes of the Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Program may be used for related studies and projects and reimbursement for uncompensated care.Repealed by 2024 Ch. 32,§ 43, eff. 6/6/2024, op. 1/1/2027.