Current through 2024 Regular Session legislation effective June 6, 2024
Section 431A.065 - [Operative Until 1/1/2027] Oregon Health Authority to adopt rules for trauma system hospitals(1) Prior to approval and implementation of area trauma plans submitted to the Oregon Health Authority by area trauma advisory boards, the authority shall adopt rules pursuant to ORS chapter 183 which specify state trauma objectives and standards, hospital categorization criteria and criteria and procedures to be utilized in designating trauma system hospitals.(2) For approved area trauma plans recommending designation of trauma system hospitals, the authority rules shall provide for:(a) The transport of a member of a health maintenance organization, or other managed health care system, as defined by rule, to a hospital that contracts with the health maintenance organization when central medical control determines that the condition of the member permits such transport; and(b) The development and utilization of protocols between designated trauma hospitals and health maintenance organizations, or other managed health care systems, as defined by rule, including notification of admission of a member to a designated trauma hospital within 48 hours of admission, and coordinated discharge planning between a designated trauma hospital and a hospital that contracts with a health maintenance organization to facilitate transfer of the member when the medical condition of the member permits.Repealed by 2024 Ch. 32,§ 43, eff. 6/6/2024, op. 1/1/2027.