Section 411.121 - Local district pilot projects; rules(1) Notwithstanding ORS 411.070, the Department of Human Services is authorized to establish and implement local district pilot projects that promote the improvement of work skills, education and employability by offering client incentives that reward significant progress leading toward self-sufficiency. Client incentives offered under this section shall not exceed the equivalent of one month's temporary assistance for needy families grant in any 12-month period. No applicant or recipient participating in a pilot program shall be disadvantaged by such participation.(2) The department shall monitor the results of any approved pilot projects to determine the types of client incentives that result in positive client performance. Within the limit of existing funds, the department may implement statewide those client incentives that prove to be cost-effective. The department shall solicit input from clients and client advocates prior to such statewide implementation.(3) The department shall adopt all rules necessary to implement and administer the provisions of this section.