ORS § 366.323
When plans of the Department of Transportation projected for one year involve acquisition of properties in any city which will require removal of 25 or more dwelling units, businesses or institutions, the Department of Transportation shall make a study of the persons residing on or maintaining businesses or institutions on property scheduled for highway acquisition. Such studies shall be kept current until the premises required for highway acquisition are vacated. The department shall obtain such other information as it finds appropriate to aid in the relocation of persons displaced by the highway acquisition, and may extend its studies beyond city boundaries when the highway acquisition will involve dwellings, businesses or institutions within three miles of a city boundary. Such information shall be made available to the persons displaced and to other persons who may provide or assist in providing new locations. This section shall apply whether the highway acquisitions will be paid for in whole or in part from state funds either directly or by reimbursement. The Department of Transportation may contract with any governmental subdivision or agency, or with private concerns to make and maintain such studies, or may employ necessary assistants therefor.
ORS 366.323