ORS § 311.115
The assessor shall deliver the roll to the tax collector each year at such time as the assessor and the tax collector agree is necessary to enable the mailing or other delivery of tax statements on or before October 25. The assessment roll shall be delivered in counties in which the assessor does not prepare a separate assessment roll and a separate tax roll. The assessment roll thereafter shall be a tax roll. The tax roll shall be delivered in counties where a separate assessment roll and tax roll is prepared. At the same time, the assessor shall deliver to the tax collector the second copy of the certificate prepared under ORS 311.105, and the warrant issued under ORS 311.110, and the tax collector shall file them in the office. The tax collector shall give a receipt, in duplicate, for the roll. One copy of the receipt shall be filed with the assessor and the other with the county clerk. All certificates, warrants, assessment and tax rolls shall be preserved as public records.
ORS 311.115