To (here insert the name of the contractor or subcontractor and the name of the public body):
Notice hereby is given that the undersigned (here insert the name of the claimant) has a claim for (here insert a brief description of the labor or materials performed or furnished and the person by whom performed or furnished; if the claim is for other than labor or materials, insert a brief description of the claim) in the sum of (here insert the amount) dollars against the (here insert public works bond or payment bond, as applicable) taken from (here insert the name of the principal and, if known, the surety or sureties upon the public works bond or payment bond) for the work of (here insert a brief description of the work concerning which the public works bond or payment bond was taken). Such material or labor was supplied to (here insert the name of the contractor or subcontractor).
(here to be signed)
ORS 279C.605