ORS § 279B.055

Current through 2024 Regular Session legislation effective June 6, 2024
Section 279B.055 - Competitive sealed bidding
(1) A contracting agency may solicit and award a public contract for goods or services, or may award multiple public contracts for goods or services when specified in the invitation to bid, by competitive sealed bidding.
(2) The contracting agency shall issue an invitation to bid, which must:
(a) Specify a time and date by which the bids must be received and a place at which the bids must be submitted. The contracting agency, in the contracting agency's sole discretion, may receive bids by electronic means or direct or permit a bidder to submit bids by electronic means.
(b) Specify the name and title of the person designated to receive bids and the person the contracting agency designates as the contact person for the procurement, if different.
(c) Describe the procurement. In the description, the contracting agency shall identify the scope of work included within the procurement, outline the contractor's anticipated duties and set expectations for the contractor's performance. Unless the contracting agency for good cause specifies otherwise, the scope of work shall require the contractor to meet the highest standards prevalent in the industry or business most closely involved in providing the appropriate goods or services.
(d) Specify a time, date and place for prequalification applications, if any, to be filed and the classes of work, if any, for which bidders must be prequalified in accordance with ORS 279B.120.
(e) State that the contracting agency may cancel the procurement or reject any or all bids in accordance with ORS 279B.100.
(f) State that "Contractors shall use recyclable products to the maximum extent economically feasible in the performance of the contract work set forth in this document." if a state contracting agency issues the invitation to bid.
(g) Require the contractor or subcontractor to possess an asbestos abatement license, if required under ORS 468A.710.
(h) Include all contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement. The contract terms and conditions shall specify clear consequences for a contractor's failure to perform the scope of work identified in the invitation to bid or the contractor's failure to meet established performance standards. The consequences may include, but are not limited to:
(A) Reducing or withholding payment;
(B) Requiring the contractor to perform, at the contractor's expense, additional work necessary to perform the identified scope of work or meet the established performance standards; or
(C) Declaring a default, terminating the public contract and seeking damages and other relief available under the terms of the public contract or other applicable law.
(a) The contracting agency may require bid security if the contracting agency determines that bid security is reasonably necessary or prudent to protect the interests of the contracting agency.
(b) The contracting agency shall return the bid security to all bidders upon the execution of the contract.
(c) The contracting agency shall retain the bid security if a bidder who is awarded a contract fails to promptly and properly execute the contract. For purposes of this paragraph, prompt and proper execution of the contract includes all action by a bidder that is necessary to form a contract in accordance with the invitation to bid, including posting performance security and submitting proof of insurance when the invitation to bid requires the submission.
(a) The contracting agency shall give public notice of an invitation to bid issued under this section. Public notice is intended to foster competition among prospective bidders. The contracting agency shall make invitations to bid available to prospective bidders.
(b) A public notice must be published at least once in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the area where the contract is to be performed and in as many additional issues and publications as the contracting agency may determine.
(c) The Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services or a local contract review board may, by rule or order, authorize public notice of bids or proposals to be published electronically instead of in a newspaper of general circulation if the director or board determines that electronically providing public notice of bids or proposals is likely to be cost-effective.
(d) In addition to the modes of publication authorized by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this subsection, the contracting agency may use any other medium reasonably calculated to reach prospective bidders or proposers.
(e) Rules adopted under ORS 279A.065 must prescribe the requirements for providing public notice of solicitations.
(f) Unless otherwise specified in rules adopted under ORS 279A.065, the contracting agency shall give public notice at least seven days before the solicitation closing date.
(a) The contracting agency shall open bids publicly at the time, date and place designated in the invitation to bid. When authorized by, and in accordance with, rules adopted under ORS 279A.065, bids may be submitted, received and opened through electronic means.
(b) The contracting agency shall record the amount of a bid, the name of the bidder and other relevant information specified by rule adopted under ORS 279A.065. The record shall be open to public inspection.
(c) Notwithstanding a requirement to make bids open to public inspection after the contracting agency issues notice of intent to award a contract, a contracting agency may withhold from disclosure to the public trade secrets, as defined in ORS 192.345, and information submitted to a public body in confidence, as described in ORS 192.355, that are contained in a bid.
(a) The contracting agency shall evaluate all bids that are received before the time and date indicated for bid opening in the invitation to bid. The contracting agency shall evaluate the bids based on the requirements set forth in the invitation to bid. The requirements may include, in addition to the information described in subsection (2) of this section, criteria to determine minimum acceptability, such as inspection, testing, quality and suitability for intended use or purpose. Criteria that will affect the bid price and will be considered in evaluation for award including, but not limited to, discounts, transportation costs and total costs of ownership or operation of a product over the life of the product must be objectively measurable. The invitation to bid must set forth the evaluation criteria to be used. No criteria may be used in a bid evaluation that are not set forth in the invitation to bid or in a qualified products list maintained under ORS 279B.115. The contracting agency may not consider for award bids received after the time and date indicated for bid opening in the invitation to bid. The contracting agency may retain bids or copies of bids received after the bid time and date indicated in the invitation to bid.
(b) The contracting agency shall, for the purpose of evaluating bids, apply any applicable preference described in ORS 279A.120, 279A.125 or 282.210.
(7) Rules adopted under ORS 279A.065 must provide for and regulate the correction and withdrawal of bids before and after bid opening and the cancellation of awards or contracts based on bid mistakes. After bid opening, changes in bids prejudicial to the interests of the public or fair competition are not permitted. A contracting agency that permits a bidder to correct or withdraw a bid or that cancels an award or a contract based on bid mistakes, shall support the decision with a written determination that states the reasons for the action taken.
(8) The cancellation of invitations to bid and the rejection of bids must be in accordance with ORS 279B.100.
(9) The contracting agency shall, in accordance with ORS 279B.135, issue to each bidder or shall post, electronically or otherwise, a notice of intent to award.
(10) If a contracting agency awards a contract, the contracting agency shall award the contract:
(a) To the lowest responsible bidder whose bid substantially complies with the requirements and criteria set forth in the invitation to bid and with all prescribed public procurement procedures and requirements; or
(b) If the invitation to bid specifies or authorizes the award of multiple contracts, to the responsible bidders:
(A) Whose bids substantially comply with the requirements and criteria set forth in the invitation to bid and with all prescribed public procurement procedures and requirements; and
(B) Who qualify for the award of a public contract under the terms of the invitation to bid.
(11) The successful bidder shall promptly execute a contract. The successful bidder's duty to promptly execute a contract includes the duty to take all action that is necessary to form a contract in accordance with the invitation to bid, including posting performance security, submitting proof of insurance when the invitation to bid requires the submission and agreeing to perform the scope of work and meet the performance standards set forth in the invitation to bid.
(12) If a contracting agency determines that preparing a procurement description to support an award based on price is impractical, the contracting agency may issue a multistep invitation to bid that requests bidders to submit unpriced submittals, and then later issue an invitation to bid limited to the bidders that the contracting agency officer has determined are eligible to submit a priced bid under the criteria set forth in the initial solicitation of unpriced submittals.
(13) The contracting agency may issue a request for information, a request for interest or other preliminary documents to obtain information useful in preparing an invitation to bid.

ORS 279B.055

2003 c. 794, § 51; 2009 c. 880, § 5