This is to notify you that the metropolitan service district has proposed a land use planning ordinance that may affect the permissible uses of your property and other properties.
On (date of public hearing), the metropolitan service district will hold a public hearing regarding the adoption of ordinance (number). The district has determined that adoption of this ordinance may affect the permissible uses of your property, and other properties in the affected zone, and may change the value of your property.
Ordinance (number) is available for inspection at the metropolitan service district offices located at (address). A copy of the ordinance (number) is available for purchase at a cost of $_____.
For additional information, contact the metropolitan service district at (telephone number).
This is to notify you that the metropolitan service district has adopted a land use planning ordinance that may affect the permissible uses of your property and other properties.
On (date of ordinance adoption), the metropolitan service district adopted ordinance (number). The district has determined that adoption of this ordinance may affect the permissible uses of your property, and other properties in the affected zone, and may change the value of your property.
Ordinance (number) is available for inspection at the metropolitan service district offices located at (address). A copy of the ordinance (number) is available for purchase at a cost of $_____.
For additional information, contact the metropolitan service district at (telephone number).
ORS 268.393