ORS § 264.470

Current through 2024 Regular Session legislation
Section 264.470 - Deposit and withdrawal of moneys; annual reports; records
(1) The money of a district shall be deposited in one or more qualified depositories, as defined in ORS 295.001, to be designated by the board of commissioners. The money shall be withdrawn or paid out only when previously ordered by vote of the board, and upon checks signed by the treasurer or such other person as may be authorized by resolution of the board. Receipts or vouchers, showing clearly the nature and items covered by each check drawn, shall be kept on file.
(2) All the proceedings of the board of commissioners shall be entered at large in a record book. All books, maps, plans, documents, correspondence, vouchers, reports and other papers and records pertaining to the business of the district shall be carefully preserved and shall be open to inspection as public records.

ORS 264.470

Amended by 2019 Ch. 587,§ 35, eff. 1/1/2020.
Amended by 1969 c.666 §34; 1969 c.694 §6; 1971 c.36 §3; 2001 c.215 §4