ORS § 261.200
Whereas at an election duly and regularly held on the ___ day of______, 2___, within ______ County (or ______ Counties), State of Oregon, and within the boundaries of a proposed district as herein described, there was submitted to the electors thereof the question whether or not a people's utility district should be incorporated as the (here insert name of district) and to give authority to impose a special levy of $_____ under and pursuant to the provisions of ORS chapter 261; and
Whereas at the election so held ___ votes were cast in favor of incorporation, and ___ votes were cast against incorporation; and
Whereas the incorporation of the (here insert name of district) received the affirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast at the election;
Now, therefore, the undersigned hereby does proclaim and declare that all of that part of the State of Oregon, described as (here insert description) has been duly and legally incorporated as the ______ People's Utility District under and pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Oregon, and the district has the authority to collect the sum of $_____ by special levy against the taxable property within the district.
Chairperson of the County Governing Body.
By ____________
ORS 261.200