ORS § 209.250

Current through 2024 Regular Session legislation
Section 209.250 - Survey by registered land surveyor; requirements for map, narrative or report of survey; waiver of required filing; effect of noncompliance
(1) A registered professional land surveyor making a survey of lands within this state wherein the surveyor establishes or reestablishes a boundary monument shall, within 45 days thereafter, submit for filing a permanent map of the survey to the county surveyor for review. When filed, the map is a permanent public record in the office of the county surveyor. In establishing or reestablishing a public land survey corner, the surveyor shall comply with ORS 209.070(4), 209.130 and 209.200. If the surveyor is unable to complete the survey and submit a permanent map within 45 days, the surveyor shall, within 45 days of establishing or reestablishing a boundary monument, provide written notice to the county surveyor containing the reasons for the delay, an estimate of the amount of time reasonably necessary to complete the survey but not exceeding 180 days, and a temporary map showing the position of monuments established or reestablished.
(2) The permanent map must have a written narrative that may be on the face of the map. If the narrative is a separate document, the map and narrative must be referenced to each other. The map and narrative must be made on a suitable drafting material in the size required by the county surveyor. The lettering on the map and narrative must be of sufficient size and clarity to be reproduced clearly. The narrative must explain the purpose of the survey and how the boundary lines or other lines were established or reestablished and must state which deed records, deed elements, survey records, found survey monuments, plat records, road records or other pertinent data were controlling when establishing or reestablishing the lines. If the narrative is a separate document, the narrative must also contain the following:
(a) Location of survey by one-fourth section, Township and Range.
(b) The date of survey.
(c) The surveyor's seal and original signature.
(d) The surveyor's business name and address.
(3) A permanent map must show the following:
(a) Location of survey by one-fourth section, Township and Range.
(b) The date of survey.
(c) Scale of drawing and North Arrow.
(d) The distance and course of all lines traced or established, giving the basis of bearing and the measured distance and course to a monumented section corner, one-quarter corner, one-sixteenth corner or Donation Land Claim corner in Township and Range, or to a monumented lot or parcel corner or boundary corner of a recorded subdivision, partition or condominium.
(e) Measured bearings, angles and distances that are used as a basis for establishing or reestablishing lines or monuments separately indicated from those of record together with the recording reference. Metric measurements may be used if a conversion to feet is provided.
(f) Monuments set and their relation to older monuments found. A detailed description of monuments found and set must be included and monuments set must be separately indicated from those found.
(g) The surveyor's seal and original signature.
(h) The surveyor's business name and address.
(a) Within 30 days of receiving a permanent map under this section, the county surveyor shall review the map to determine if it complies with subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section and applicable local ordinances. A map must be indexed by the county surveyor within 30 days following a determination that the map is in compliance with this section. A survey prepared by the county surveyor in an official or private capacity must comply with subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section.
(b) A survey map found not to be in compliance with subsection (1), (2) or (3) of this section must be returned within 30 days of receipt for correction to the surveyor who prepared the map. The surveyor shall return the corrected survey map to the county surveyor within 30 days of receipt of the survey map from the county surveyor.
(c) A map that is not corrected within the specified time period may be forwarded to the State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying for action, as provided in subsection (11) of this section.
(d) An action may not be maintained against the county surveyor for recording a survey map that does not comply with this section.
(e) An action may not be maintained against the county surveyor for refusal to file a survey map that does not comply with this section.
(a) When a survey within this state is funded entirely or in part by public funds and the survey results in the establishment of horizontal or vertical monuments for geodetic control, the registered professional land surveyor performing the survey, within 45 days after completion of the survey, shall file a report of the survey with the county surveyors of those counties where the newly established monuments are located.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subsection, the governing body of a county may, by resolution or order, waive the filing of the report of the survey.
(6) A report required by subsection (5)(a) of this section may include maps or diagrams. The maps or diagrams, if included, must be referenced to each other. The report must contain the following:
(a) The name and number of each newly established geodetic control monument.
(b) Location of newly established geodetic control monuments by Section, Township and Range.
(c) Location of the horizontal component of geodetic control monuments by the Oregon Coordinate System referenced in ORS 93.312, including the scale factor, combined scale factor, convergence and geographic or geodetic coordinates, indicating datum used.
(d) Location of the vertical component of geodetic control monuments by orthometric height, ellipsoidal height and geoidal separation, indicating datum used.
(e) The date of survey.
(f) The business name and address of the surveyor.
(g) A description of all monuments set or found, including narrative or graphic information sufficient to locate the monuments.
(h) A statement explaining the purpose of the survey, the equipment and procedures used, including the geoid model and reference ellipsoid used, and the names or numbers of the found record control monuments used and their source.
(i) The scale of drawing and North Arrow if a map or diagram is included.
(j) The seal and original signature of the surveyor.
(k) For geodetic control, a statement regarding the network accuracy and local accuracy of the survey, categorized by horizontal position, ellipsoidal height and orthometric height, relative to the National Spatial Reference System. The statement shall include the accuracy classification at the 95 percent confidence level for both network and local classifications in accordance with Standards for Geodetic Control Networks, Part 2 of the federal Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards (FGDC 1998) for the newly established monuments.
(7) The county surveyor shall file and index reports that comply with subsections (5) and (6) of this section within 30 days of determining compliance.
(8) A monument set by a registered professional land surveyor to mark or reference a point on a property or land line or to mark or reference a geodetic control survey point must be durably and visibly marked or tagged with the registered business name or the letters "L.S." followed by the registration number of the surveyor in charge or, if the monument is set by a public officer, the monument must be marked with the official title of the office.
(9) If, in the performance of a survey, a registered professional land surveyor finds or makes changes in a public land survey corner or its accessories as described in an existing corner record or survey map in the office of the county surveyor, the surveyor shall complete and submit to the county surveyor a record of the changes found or made to a corner or accessories to the corner. The record must be submitted within 45 days of the corner visits, and must include the surveyor's seal and original signature, business name and address, and be on stable base reproducible material in the form required by the county surveyor.
(10) The signature and stamp of a registered professional land surveyor on a permanent survey map or plat constitutes certification that the map or plat complies with the applicable provisions of this chapter.
(11) A registered professional land surveyor failing to comply with the provisions of subsections (1) to (9) of this section, ORS 92.050 to 92.080 or a county ordinance establishing standards for surveys or plats is subject to disciplinary action by the State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying.
(12) A federal or state agency, board or commission, special district or municipal corporation making a survey of lands within this state shall comply with this section.

ORS 209.250

Amended by 2017 Ch. 178,§ 1, eff. 1/1/2018.
Amended by 1963 c.555 §1; 1965 c.542 §1; 1979 c.653 §16; 1981 c.113 §2; 1983 c.309 §11; 1989 c.394 §14; 1991 c.339 §3; 1993 c.219 §13; 1997 c.489 §11; 1999 c.710 §11; 1999 c.1018 §7; 2005 c. 22, § 159; 2005 c. 230, § 2; 2011 c. 179, § 4