ORS 196.210
See note under 196.200.
Section 4, chapter 229, Oregon Laws 2021, provides: Sec. 4. Initial membership. (1) The Governor shall appoint the initial members of the Willamette Falls Locks Authority no later than 180 days after the effective date of this 2021 Act [June 11, 2021].
(2) Notwithstanding the term of office specified in section 3 of this 2021 Act [196.210], of the members first appointed by the Governor to the authority:
(a) Two shall serve for a term ending one year after the date of appointment;
(b) Two shall serve for a term ending two years after the date of appointment; and
(c) Two shall serve for a term ending three years after the date of appointment. [2021 c. 229, § 4]