Any child a ward of the state in any of its institutions may be transferred to said institution for care, training or education, when the Governor of the state shall so order, provided said child is physically, mentally or morally eligible.
No child, student or ward shall ever be admitted as a student or ward in said Eastern Oklahoma State College unless and until it is definitely determined that said student or ward is free from contagious or other disease that may be communicable in nature, and a certificate so showing shall be required before entry. Proper precautions shall at all times be observed to protect and safeguard the health of all students or wards and for said purpose the President of said institution shall, with the approval of the Board of Regents, arrange for medical examination, care and treatment of wards. No ward shall be admitted to said institution who is incorrigible or who stands convicted of violating any law of this state unless and until it has been determined by the Board of Regents of said institution that said ward has earned or merited classification as a morally upright and deserving ward whose presence in said institution as a ward will not tend to corrupt or improperly influence the moral tendencies of other students or wards therein.
For these purposes the Board of Regents of said college shall, with the approval of the Governor of the state, adopt such rules and regulations as it may deem proper and necessary for the regulation and control of the admission of students or wards and for their care and control after admission.
Okla. Stat. tit. 70, § 3422