Okla. Stat. tit. 5A , app 2 § 1

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 1 - Nominations
(a) Not less than ninety (90) days before the opening of the annual meeting of the Association each year, the Executive Director will cause to be published in the Oklahoma Bar Association Journal a continuing notice to the membership of specific vacancies occurring on the Board of Governors and the other officers of the Association, that will be elected at the forthcoming annual meeting. The notice will include the name of the present member of the Board of Governors whose term expires, the Judicial District he or she serves, and the counties in that District. If the retiring member is at large, the notice will so indicate. In addition, the notice published and posted on the web site will inform the membership as to the procedure contained in this Article as to the deadline and requirements for nominating petitions.
(b) Not less than sixty (60) days before the opening of the annual meeting of the Association in each year, twenty-five (25) or more voting members of the Association within the Supreme Court Judicial District from which the member of the Board of Governors is to be elected in that year, shall file with the Executive Director a signed petition (which may be in parts) nominating a candidate for the office of member of the Board of Governors for and from such Judicial District; or, one or more County Bar Associations within said Judicial District may file a nominating resolution nominating such a candidate for such office. For nomination to the office of Member at Large on the Board of Governors the nominating petition shall be signed by fifty (50) voting members of the Oklahoma Bar Association from any or all Judicial Districts of the State, or nomination may be made by resolutions of at least three (3) County Bar Associations. The Executive Director shall thereupon cause the name of the nominee and the names of the signers of his or her nominating petition to be published in the next issue of the Oklahoma Bar Journal.
(c) Not less than sixty (60) days before the opening of the annual meeting of the Association in each year, fifty (50) or more voting members of the Association may Me with the Executive Director a signed petition nominating a candidate for the office of President-Elect, or of Vice-President. In the alternative, not less than sixty (60) days before such meeting, three or more County Bar Associations may file appropriate resolutions nominating a candidate for the office of either President-Elect or of Vice-President. The Executive Director shall thereupon cause the name of the nominee and the names of the signers of his or her nominating petition or the resolutions to be published in the next issue of the Oklahoma Bar Journal and posting on the OBA web site.
(d) In addition to the methods above prescribed, nominations to any of the above offices to be filled at an annual meeting shall be received from the floor of the House of Delegates, on petition signed by not less than the thirty (30) delegates certified to and in attendance at the session of the House of Delegates at which the election is to be held. No such nominations from the floor shall be in order when Section 3 of this Article is applicable.
(e) The duly elected Chairperson of the Young Lawyers Division of the Association shall automatically assume his or her office on the Board of Governors on the first day of his or her term of office as Chairperson of the Young Lawyers Division of the Association. The foregoing provisions of Section 1 of this Article III shall not be applicable to the Association.

Okla. Stat. tit. 5A , app 2 § 1

Amended by orders of 1977; 1979. Amended by the House of Delegates, 11/17/2006.