Okla. Stat. tit. 59 § 1151.16
Every applicant for a roofing contractor's registration who is a nonresident contractor as defined by this act, by signing and filing the application, appoints the Secretary of State as the applicant's true and lawful agent upon whom may be served all lawful process in any action or proceeding against such nonresident contractor for construction projects performed in this state. Such appointment in writing is evidence of the roofing contractor's consent that any such process against the contractor which is so served upon the Secretary of State shall be of the same legal force and effect as if served upon the contractor personally within this state. Registered foreign corporations, registered foreign limited liability companies, foreign limited liability partnerships and foreign limited partnerships entitled to do business in this state and having a current registered agent and registered address on file in the Office of the Secretary of State need not appoint the Secretary of State as agent for service of process under this section. Within ten (10) days after service of the summons upon the Secretary of State, notice of such service with the summons and complaint in the action shall be sent to the defendant roofing contractor at the defendant contractor's last-known address by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested and proof of such mailing shall be attached to the summons. The Secretary of State shall keep a record of all process served upon the Secretary of State under this section, showing the day and hour of service. Whenever service of process was made under this section, the court, before entering a default judgment, or at any stage of the proceeding, may order such continuance as may be necessary to afford the defendant contractor reasonable opportunity to defend any action pending against the defendant contractor.
Okla. Stat. tit. 59, § 1151.16