Okla. Stat. tit. 59 § 541.2

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 541.2 - Radiologist Assistant Advisory Committee
A. There is hereby created a Radiologist Assistant Advisory Committee within the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision to assist in administering the provisions of the Radiologist Assistant Licensure Act. The Committee shall consist of seven (7) members as follows:
1. One member shall be a physician appointed by the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision from its membership;
2. One member shall be a radiologist appointed by the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision from a list of qualified individuals submitted by the Oklahoma State Medical Association and who is not a member of the Board;
3. One member shall be a physician appointed by the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners from its membership;
4. One member shall be a physician appointed by the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners from a list of qualified individuals submitted by the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association and who is not a member of the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners;
5. One member shall be a radiologist appointed by the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision from a list of qualified individuals submitted by the Oklahoma State Radiological Society and who is not a member of the Board; and
6. Two members shall be radiologist assistants appointed by the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision from a list of radiologist assistants submitted by the Oklahoma State Radiological Society.

The radiologist assistant practitioner members shall have engaged in rendering radiologist assistant services to the public, teaching, or research for at least two (2) years immediately preceding their appointments. These members shall at all times be holders of valid licenses as radiologist assistants in this state, except for the members first appointed to the Committee.

B. Initial members of the Committee shall be appointed by September 1, 2008. Members of the Committee shall be appointed for terms of four (4) years. Provided, the terms of office of the members first appointed shall begin within a reasonable time frame after the effective date of this act and shall continue for the following periods:
1. Two physicians and one radiologist assistant for a period of three (3) years; and
2. Three physicians and one radiologist assistant for a period of four (4) years.

Upon the expiration of a member's term of office, the appointing authority for that member shall appoint a successor. Vacancies on the Committee shall be filled in like manner for the balance of an unexpired term. No member shall serve more than three consecutive terms. Each member shall serve until a successor is appointed and qualified.

C. Upon expiration or vacancy of the term of a member, the respective nominating authority may, as appropriate, submit to the appointing Board a list of three persons qualified to serve on the Committee to fill the expired term of their respective member. Appointments may be made from these lists by the appointing Board, and additionally lists may be provided by the respective organizations if requested by the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.
D. The State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision may remove any member from the Committee for neglect of any duty required by law, for incompetency, or for unethical or dishonorable conduct.
E. The Committee shall meet at least twice each year and shall elect biennially during odd-numbered years a chair and vice-chair from among its members. The Committee may convene at the request of the chair, or as the Committee may determine for such other meetings as may be deemed necessary.
F. A majority of the members of the Committee, including the chair and vice-chair, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting, and a majority of the required quorum shall be sufficient for the Committee to take action by vote.
G. The Committee shall advise the Board in developing policy and rules pertaining to the Radiologist Assistant Licensure Act.
H. Members of the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision and members of the Radiologist Assistant Advisory Committee shall be reimbursed for all actual and necessary expenses incurred while engaged in the discharge of official duties pursuant to this act in accordance with the State Travel Reimbursement Act.

Okla. Stat. tit. 59, § 541.2

Added by Laws 2008 , HB 1647, c. 20, §3, emerg. eff. 4/11/2008.