Okla. Stat. tit. 52 § 103

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 103 - Contempt - Proceedings - How commenced - Complaint - Citation

Proceedings as for contempt for disobedience or violation of the provisions of this act or of the orders, rules, regulations and judgments of the Commission made, issued and/or rendered under the provisions of this act, may be commenced by the filing with the Commission by (a) the Attorney General, or (b) the Proration Attorney, or (c) the Proration Umpire, or (d) Assistant Proration Umpire, or (e) by any producer of oil or taker in the state, of a complaint which shall, when filed by any producer of oil or taker, be verified upon information and belief. Said complaint by whomsoever filed shall state, (a) the name of the person, firm, trust, corporation, or association against whom the complaint is made; (b) the order or orders, rule or rules, regulation or regulations and judgment or judgments of the Commission, violation of which is charged; (c) and briefly in general terms the acts or omissions of the defendant constituting the violation of which complaint is made. Any such complaint may charge against any defendant one or more violations of the provisions of this act and/or of any rule, order or regulation of the Commission made hereunder; provided, that the acts or omissions of the defendant constituting each violation charged shall be briefly stated in general terms in separately numbered paragraphs or counts of such complaint. Upon the filing of any such complaint the Secretary of the Commission shall issue in the name of the state by him as Secretary of the Commission, addressed to the defendant or defendants, a citation to the defendant or defendants in said complaint, to which shall be attached a copy of said complaint. Said citation shall state (a) the date on which and by whom said complaint was filed and the name of the complainant, (b) a brief general description of the nature of the complaint, (c) a reference to copy of the complaint which shall be attached to said notice, (d) the date on which said complaint is set for hearing, which shall not be earlier than ten (10) days from the date of such citation, and (e) a statement that unless the defendant shall on or before said date for hearing file his or its pleadings to such complaints, allegations and charges therein contained, the same shall be taken as confessed. Service of said citation in such proceedings for contempt shall be had and return thereof made as hereinafter provided.

Okla. Stat. tit. 52, § 103

Added by Laws 1933, HB 481, c. 131, p. 287, § 20, emerg. eff. 4/10/1933.