Okla. Stat. tit. 47 § 3-103

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 3-103 - Director of Service Oklahoma
A. The Executive Director of Service Oklahoma shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Executive Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor and may be removed or replaced without cause.

Compensation for the Executive Director shall be determined pursuant to Section 3601.2 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes. The Executive Director may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members elected to and constituting each chamber of the Oklahoma Legislature.

B. The Executive Director of Service Oklahoma shall be the chief executive officer of Service Oklahoma and shall act for Service Oklahoma in all matters except as may be otherwise provided by law. The powers and duties of the Executive Director shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Organize Service Oklahoma in a manner to efficiently achieve the objectives of Service Oklahoma;
2. Supervise all activities of Service Oklahoma;
3. Administer programs and policies of Service Oklahoma;
4. Employ, discharge, appoint, contract, and fix duties and compensation of employees at the discretion of the Executive Director;
5. Appoint assistants, deputies, officers, investigators, attorneys, and other employees as may be necessary to carry out functions of Service Oklahoma;
6. Prescribe rules and regulations for the operation of Service Oklahoma;
7. Provide input and recommendations to the Service Oklahoma Operator Board on all matters including branding and physical standardization requirements, customer service metrics, analysis, and improvement processes for licensed operators, and processes for termination of licensed operators for failure to comply with the customer service metrics;
8. Establish internal policies and procedures;
9. Prescribe and provide suitable forms deemed necessary to carry out the functions of Service Oklahoma and any other laws the enforcement and administration of which are vested in Service Oklahoma;
10. Establish such divisions, sections, committees, advisory committees, offices, and positions in Service Oklahoma as the Executive Director deems necessary to carry out the functions of Service Oklahoma;
11. Accept and disburse grants, allotments, gifts, devises, bequests, funds, appropriations, and other property made or offered to Service Oklahoma; and
12. Create the budget for Service Oklahoma to be submitted to the Legislature each year.
C. The salary and other expenses for the Executive Director shall be budgeted as a separate line item through Service Oklahoma. The operating expenses of Service Oklahoma shall be set by the Executive Director and shall be budgeted as a separate line item through Service Oklahoma.
1. The Executive Director of Service Oklahoma shall direct all purchases, hiring, procurement, and budget for Service Oklahoma and establish, implement, and enforce policies and procedures related thereto, consistent with the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act. Service Oklahoma and the Executive Director shall be subject to the requirements of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974, the Oklahoma Lighting Energy Conservation Act, and the Public Facilities Act.
2. The Executive Director of Service Oklahoma, or any employee or agent of the Executive Director of Service Oklahoma acting within the scope of delegated authority, shall have the same power and authority related to purchases, hiring, procurement, and budget for Service Oklahoma as outlined in paragraph 1 of this subsection for Service Oklahoma as the State Purchasing Director has for all acquisitions used or consumed by state agencies as established in the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act. Such authority shall, consistent with the authority granted to the State Purchasing Director , include the power to designate financial or proprietary information submitted by a bidder confidential and reject all requests to disclose the information so designated, if the Executive Director of Service Oklahoma requires the bidder to submit the financial or proprietary information with a bid, proposal, or quotation.
E. Service Oklahoma shall determine the compensation to be retained by licensed operators.
1. Before the last day in September in every even-numbered year, Service Oklahoma shall review the compensation paid to licensed operators and, if necessary, change the compensation. Service Oklahoma shall engage an independent third party to evaluate the compensation paid to licensed operators who shall provide any recommendations no later than November 1 in the even-numbered year. Any recommended change in licensed operator compensation shall be finalized by Service Oklahoma no later than the third Tuesday of November in the even-numbered year. Notice of such recommendation shall be provided to the Governor, the President Pro Tempore and the Chair of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate, and the Speaker and the Chair of the Appropriations and Budget Committee of the House of Representatives.
2. Any change in licensed operator compensation, unless rejected or amended as provided by this subsection, shall become effective on July 1 of the following calendar year. Any amendment passed by a majority vote of each house of the Legislature shall become effective as provided by the amendment unless vetoed by the Governor.

Okla. Stat. tit. 47, § 3-103

Amended by Laws 2023EX1, c. 47,s. 3, eff. 7/1/2023.
Added by Laws 2022 , c. 282, § 3, emerg. eff. 5/19/2022.