- Section 6-91 - Formulation of control and eradication program
- Section 6-92 - Official test
- Section 6-93 - Blood samples for brucellosis testing - Official identification - Reports
- Section 6-94 - Positive reactions - Permanent branding of animal - Tagging - Removal of permanent mark or brand
- Section 6-95 - Brucellosis Milk Surveillance test
- Section 6-96 - Officially vaccinated animals - Identification
- Section 6-97 - Biological products containing Brucella organisms
- Section 6-98 - [Repealed]
- Section 6-99 - Quarantine of livestock infected with brucellosis - Disposition
- Section 6-100 - Brucellosis eradication - Livestock owner requirements - Indemnity payments
- Section 6-101 - Certification of brucellosis-free herds and counties
- Section 6-102 - Sale of bovine animals or removal from markets - Compliance records
- Section 6-103 - [Repealed]
- Section 6-104 - [Repealed]
- Section 6-105 - [Repealed]
- Section 6-106 - [Repealed]
- Section 6-107 - Swine identification verification - Testing requirements