- Section 31 - Senior Utility Rate Analysts - Salary - Qualifications
- Section 32 - Director of Administration - Qualifications - Duties
- Section 33 - Administrative Aide - Salary - Powers and duties - Office location
- Section 34 - [Repealed]
- Section 34.1 - Implementation and administration of Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act and Residential Energy Conservation Program
- Section 34.2 - Employees under Federal Underground Injection Control Project
- Section 35 - Data Processing Division - Responsibilities - Support services - Director
- Section 36 - [Repealed]
- Section 37 - Certain federal rules and regulations not to be enforced - Exceptions
- Section 38 - [Repealed]
- Section 39 - Petty cash fund - Maximum amount - Administration
- Section 39.2 - Remittances of taxes and fees - Service charges - Receipts - Deposit of money
- Section 40 - Transportation Division
- Section 40.1 - Regional service areas - Regional service offices - Services provided - Staffing - Reports - Telephonic communication services
- Section 40.2 - Electronic signatures