- Section 36-201 - Definitions of terms used
- Section 36-202 - Petition for street improvements by owners
- Section 36-203 - Preliminary plans and costs of improvement - Governing body action
- Section 36-204 - Examination and approval of plans - Resolution of necessity
- Section 36-205 - Notice of resolution of necessity - Publication and mailing
- Section 36-206 - Protests - Determination of sufficiency - Effect of protests on the improvement
- Section 36-207 - Right of property owner to institute action in district court - Waiver of objections
- Section 36-208 - Resolution ordering improvement - Detailed plans, etc. - Contractor's bonds
- Section 36-209 - Advertisement and notice for proposals - Filing date for suits or actions
- Section 36-210 - Award of contract - Aggregate cost
- Section 36-211 - Final statement of cost - Designation of land in improvement district - Roster
- Section 36-212 - Appointment of appraisers - Duties - Preparation of assessment roll - Conclusiveness
- Section 36-213 - Property chargeable with cost - Rules for apportioning costs
- Section 36-214 - Hearing of objections on assessments - Time of hearing - Notice
- Section 36-215 - Hearing - Correction and confirmation of apportionment
- Section 36-216 - Assessing ordinance - Interest on installments - Lien
- Section 36-217 - Treatment of property owned by municipality, counties or schools
- Section 36-218 - Assessment record
- Section 36-219 - Due date of first installment - Payment of assessment - Interest on delinquent installments
- Section 36-220 - Notice of maturity of installments
- Section 36-221 - Collection of payments - Bond of clerk - Special fund
- Section 36-222 - Delinquent installments - Certification to county treasurer - Collection of taxes and penalties
- Section 36-223 - Setting aside assessments - Limitation on suits
- Section 36-224 - Accepting improvements
- Section 36-225 - Replacement bonds - Repairs
- Section 36-226 - Renewing improvements
- Section 36-227 - Street improvement districts - Written consent of landowners