Section 715.71 - Election concerning alternative procedures and requirements for creating joint economic development district(A) This section provides alternative procedures and requirements to those set forth in section 715.70 of the Revised Code for creating and operating a joint economic development district. Divisions (B), (C), (D)(1) to (3), and (F) of section 715.70 of the Revised Code do not apply to a joint economic development district established under this section. However, divisions (A), (D)(4), (E), (G), (H), (I), (J), (K), and (L) of section 715.70 of the Revised Code do apply to a district established under this section.(B) One or more municipal corporations and one or more townships may enter into a contract approved by the legislative authority of each contracting party pursuant to which they create as a joint economic development district one or more areas for the purpose of facilitating economic development to create or preserve jobs and employment opportunities and to improve the economic welfare of the people in this state and in the area of the contracting parties. The district created shall be located within the territory of one or more of the contracting parties and may consist of all or a portion of that territory. The boundaries of the district shall be described in the contract or in an addendum to the contract. The area or areas of land to be included in the district shall not include any parcel of land owned in fee by or leased to a municipal corporation or township, unless the municipal corporation or township is a party to the contract or has given its consent to have its parcel of land included in the district by the adoption of a resolution. As used in this division, "parcel of land" has the same meaning as in division (B) of section 715.70 of the Revised Code.(C) Before the legislative authority of a municipal corporation or a board of township trustees adopts an ordinance or resolution approving a contract to create a joint economic development district under this section, it shall hold a public hearing concerning the joint economic development district contract and shall provide thirty days' public notice of the time and place of the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipal corporation and the township. Each municipal corporation and township that is a party to the contract shall hold a public hearing. During the thirty-day period prior to a public hearing, a copy of the text of the contract together with copies of district maps and plans related to or part of the contract shall be on file, for public examination, in the offices of the clerk of the legislative authority of the municipal corporation and of the township fiscal officer. The public hearings provided for in this division shall allow for public comment and recommendations on the proposed contract. The participating parties may include in the contract any of those recommendations prior to approval of the contract.(D) After the legislative authority of a municipal corporation and the board of township trustees have adopted an ordinance and resolution approving a contract to create a joint economic development district, the municipal corporation and the township jointly shall file with the legislative authority of each county within which a party to the contract is located all of the following: (1) A signed copy of the contract, together with copies of district maps and plans related to or part of the contract;(2) Certified copies of the ordinances and resolutions of the contracting parties relating to the district and the contract;(3) A certificate of each of the contracting parties that the public hearings provided for in division (C) of this section have been held, the date of the hearings, and evidence of publication of the notice of the hearings.(E) Within thirty days after the filing under division (D) of this section, the legislative authority of each county within which a party to the contract is located shall adopt a resolution acknowledging the receipt of the required documents, approving the creation of the joint economic development district, and directing that the resolution of the board of township trustees approving the contract be submitted to the electors of the township for approval at the next succeeding general, primary, or special election. The legislative authority of the county shall file with the board of elections at least ninety days before the day of the election a copy of the resolution of the board of township trustees approving the contract. The resolution of the legislative authority of the county also shall specify the date the election is to be held and shall direct the board of elections to conduct the election in the township. If the resolution of the legislative authority of the county is not adopted within the thirty-day period after the filing under division (D) of this section, the joint economic development district shall be deemed approved by the county legislative authority, and the board of township trustees shall file its resolution with the board of elections for submission to the electors of the township for approval at the next succeeding general, primary, or special election. The filing shall occur at least ninety days before the specified date the election is to be held and shall direct the board of elections to conduct the election in the township. The ballot shall be in the following form:
"Shall the resolution of the board of township trustees approving the contract with _______________ (here insert name of each municipal corporation and other township that is a party to the contract) for the creation of a joint economic development district be approved?
If a majority of the electors of the township voting on the issue vote for the resolution and contract, the resolution shall become effective immediately and the contract shall go into effect immediately or in accordance with its terms.
(F) The contract creating the district shall set forth or provide for the amount or nature of the contribution of each municipal corporation and township to the development and operation of the district and may provide for the sharing of the costs of the operation of and improvements for the district. The contributions may be in any form to which the contracting municipal corporations and townships agree and may include but are not limited to the provision of services, money, real or personal property, facilities, or equipment. The contract may provide for the contracting parties to share revenue from taxes levied on property by one or more of the contracting parties if those revenues may lawfully be applied to that purpose under the legislation by which those taxes are levied. The contract shall provide for new, expanded, or additional services, facilities, or improvements, including expanded or additional capacity for or other enhancement of existing services, facilities, or improvements, provided that the existing services, facilities, or improvements, or the expanded or additional capacity for or enhancement of the existing services, facilities, or improvements, have been provided within the two-year period prior to the execution of the contract.(G) The contract shall enumerate the specific powers, duties, and functions of the board of directors of the district and shall provide for the determination of procedures that are to govern the board of directors. The contract may grant to the board the power to adopt a resolution to levy an income tax within the district. The income tax shall be used for the purposes of the district and for the purposes of the contracting municipal corporations and townships pursuant to the contract. The income tax may be levied in the district based on income earned by persons working or residing within the district and based on the net profits of businesses located in the district. The income tax of the district shall follow the provisions of Chapter 718. of the Revised Code, except that no vote shall be required by the electors residing in the district. The rate of the income tax shall be no higher than the highest rate being levied by a municipal corporation that is a party to the contract. The board of directors of a district levying an income tax shall enter into an agreement with one of the municipal corporations that is a party to the contract to administer, collect, and enforce the income tax on behalf of the district. The resolution levying the income tax shall provide the same credits, if any, to residents of the district for income taxes paid to other districts or municipal corporations where the residents work, as credits provided to residents of the municipal corporation administering the income tax.
(H) No annexation proceeding pursuant to Chapter 709. of the Revised Code that proposes the annexation to or merger or consolidation with a municipal corporation, except a municipal corporation that is a party to the contract, of any unincorporated territory within the district shall be commenced for a period of three years after the contract is filed with the legislative authority of each county within which a party to the contract is located in accordance with division (D) of this section unless each board of township trustees whose territory is included, in whole or part, within the district and the territory proposed to be annexed, merged, or consolidated adopts a resolution consenting to the commencement of the proceeding and a copy of the resolution is filed with the legislative authority of each such county or unless the contract is terminated during this three-year period. The contract entered into between the municipal corporations and townships pursuant to this section may provide for the prohibition of any annexation by the participating municipal corporations of any unincorporated territory within the district.Amended by 130th General Assembly, HB 494,§1, eff. 3/23/2015.Amended by 128th General Assembly, HB 48, §1, eff. 7/2/2010.Effective Date: 03-22-1999; 12-20-2005