Rules relating to the state trauma registry adopted under this section and section 4765.11 of the Revised Code shall not prohibit the operation of other trauma registries and may provide for the reporting of information to the state trauma registry by or through other trauma registries in a manner consistent with information otherwise reported to the state trauma registry. Other trauma registries may report aggregate information to the state trauma registry, provided the information can be matched to the person that reported it. Information maintained by another trauma registry and reported to the state trauma registry in lieu of being reported directly to the state trauma registry is a public record and shall be maintained, made available to the public, held in confidence, risk adjusted, and not subject to discovery or introduction into evidence in a civil action as provided in section 149.43 of the Revised Code and this section. Any person who provides, maintains, or risk adjusts such information shall comply with this section and rules adopted under it in performing that function and has the same immunities with respect to that function as a person who performs that function with respect to the state trauma registry.
No person who performs risk adjustment functions under this section shall, because of performing such functions, be held liable in a civil action for betrayal of professional confidence or otherwise in the absence of willful or wanton misconduct.
R.C. § 4765.06