Attendance at a part-time school or class provided by an employer, by a partnership, corporation, or individual, by a private or parochial school, by a college, or by a philanthropic or similar agency shall serve in lieu of attendance at a part-time school or class provided by a board of education in case the given school or class is conducted for substantially a term and hours equivalent to those of the part-time schools or classes provided by the local board, and in case the school or class is approved by the department of education and workforce. When such school or class is conducted within or in connection with the establishment in which the child is working the obligation of attendance at part-time school or class indicated in section 3321.08 of the Revised Code, shall apply to the children holding age and schooling certificates who are employed in the given establishment regardless of the accessibility of public part-time schools or classes.
R.C. § 3321.09