Chapter 339 - HOSPITALS
- Section 339.01 - County acquisition or improvement of hospitals or outpatient health facility
- Section 339.02 - Board of county hospital trustees - qualifications
- Section 339.021 - Designating county home as county hospital
- Section 339.03 - Board of county hospital trustees - powers and duties
- Section 339.04 - County hospital building fund
- Section 339.05 - Adopting bidding procedures and purchasing policies for services, supplies and equipment
- Section 339.06 - Powers and duties of board of county hospital trustees
- Section 339.061 - Charter county hospitals; disposition of income
- Section 339.062 - Intellectual property
- Section 339.07 - Duties of administrator
- Section 339.08 - Hospital trust fund
- Section 339.09 - Hospital may be leased
- Section 339.091 - Approval of agreement for operation of county hospital by electors
- Section 339.092 - [Repealed]
- Section 339.10 - Authority for board to form or acquire corporation, LLC, or participate in nonprofit enterprise or venture
- Section 339.11 - Contract by board of county commissioners for care of indigent sick and disabled persons
- Section 339.12 - Agreement for acquiring general hospital from municipality
- Section 339.13 - Ratification of former acts
- Section 339.14 - County hospital commission
- Section 339.15 - Issuing revenue obligations
- Section 339.16 - Fringe benefits for county hospital employees
- Section 339.17 - Alternative statutory requirements
- Section 339.19 - Continued existence and operation of certain county tuberculosis hospitals
- Section 339.20 to 339.37 - [Repealed]
- Section 339.38, 339.39 - Amended and Renumbered RC 339.75, 339.76
- Section 339.40, 339.41 - [Repealed]
- Section 339.42, 339.43 - Amended and Renumbered RC 339.74, 339.77
- Section 339.44 - [Repealed]
- Section 339.45 to 339.47 - [Repealed]
- Section 339.50 to 339.64 - [Repealed]
- Section 339.65 - [Repealed]
- Section 339.71 - Tuberculosis control unit definitions
- Section 339.72 - Designation of tuberculosis control unit
- Section 339.73 - Treatment to be available to all persons with tuberculosis
- Section 339.74 - Tuberculosis record bureau
- Section 339.75 - County commissioners may contract for treatment
- Section 339.76 - Tuberculosis clinics established by county commissioners
- Section 339.77 - [Repealed]
- Section 339.78 - Reporting confirmed case of tuberculosis to county or district tuberculosis control unit
- Section 339.79 - Reporting case of tuberculosis that is resistant to one or more drugs
- Section 339.80 - Investigations
- Section 339.81 - Confidential information
- Section 339.82 - Duties of individual diagnosed with active or communicable tuberculosis
- Section 339.83 - Notice to individual diagnosed with active or communicable tuberculosis
- Section 339.84 - Order compelling compliance with duties
- Section 339.85 - Injunctions
- Section 339.86 - Detaining noncomplying individual
- Section 339.87 - Emergency detention order
- Section 339.88 - Expenses of detaining noncomplying individual
- Section 339.89 - Spiritual treatment in lieu of medical treatment for tuberculosis
- Section 339.99 - [Repealed]