Ohio Rev. Code § 2501.18
Upon the written requisition of the courts of appeals, the clerks of the courts of appeals shall provide such courts with necessary stationery, and furnish for their use reports of the decisions of the courts of this state, with the latest edition of the Revised Code, digests, and such other law books as such courts require, which books shall be the property of the county. The expense incurred by such clerks shall be paid from the county treasury on the warrant of the county auditor.
The board of county commissioners must provide a room for holding court and a consultation room for the judges, cause such rooms to be properly furnished, heated, ventilated, lighted, and kept clean and in good order, and provide such other conveniences as the court deems necessary.
The performance of the duties required of the clerk and the board by this section may be enforced by such courts.
R.C. §2501.18